Az alábbi listában találod az aktuális lehetőségeket, rövid és hosszú távú önkéntesség projekteket. A projekt linkre kattintva további infókat találsz. Ha szeretnél jelentkezni, akkor töltsd ki ezt a kérdőívet és segítünk a választásban.
További infó
Liška – centre of leisure time
6 different hosting organizations
Copiii În Sânul Familiei NGO
Copiii În Sânul Familiei NGO
Morocco Association for the Integration of Immigrants
Il Circo Pace e Bene APS
Liška – centre of leisure time
Brno, Chech Republic
Voralberg, Austria
Malaga, Spain
Brașov, Romania
Brașov, Romania
Málaga (Spain)
Milena, Sicily (Italy)
Brno, Chech Republic
1 év
1 év
1 év
4 hónap
1 hónap
8 hónap
6 hónap
3 hónap
2024. szeptember - 2025. szeptember
2024. ősz - 2025. nyár
2024. ősz - 2025. nyár
2024. május/június - november/december
2024. nyár
June to December 2024
until end of summer 2024
8 ESC placements in different fields
9 ESC placements in different fields
könyvtár, kórházban gyerekeknek felolvasás, adminisztráció
társadalmi kihívások, állampolgárság és demokratikus részvétel, környezetvédelem és természetvédelem, oktatás és képzés
állampolgárság és demokratikus részvétel, környezet és természetvédelem, oktatás és képzés
bevándorlók integrációja, nyelvoktatás, adminisztráció, integrációs programok, interkulturális projektek
culture, inclusion, social innovation, and nature
hobby clubs for kids, circus activities
Czech Republic
Liška – centre of leisure time + LUSK (Lidicka – Technical Department)
From right now until end of summer 2024 (3 month)
Place: Brno, Check Republic
Activities: flexible, helping at summer camps in July and August, help with ESC promotion in June and assisting at our regular hobby clubs for kids during the other months. The focus of work can be on circus activities, or mixture of activities.
more info about the project
Il Circo Pace e Bene APS
From June until December 2024
Place: Milena, Sicily (Italy)
Activities:bbsupporting in the creation and implementation of the C&C project especially the G.a.s. lab.
more info about the project
Morocco Association for the Integration of Immigrants
From 01/09/2024 until 30/08/2025
Place: Málaga (Spain)
Activities: integration of immigrants, education, awareness, support services, language courses, administrative assistance, language teaching, administrative support, and intercultural projects
more info about the project
ELF - Experential Learning Forum
01.07 - 17.08 (48 days), 21.08 - 27.09 (28 days)
Place: Brașov, Romania
Activities: citizenship and democratic participation, environment and natural protection, education and training
more info about the project
KEN - Keep non formal activities in the community
15 May -13 November, 16 June - 15 December
Place: Brașov, Romania
Activities:Social challenges, citizenship and democratic participation, environment and natural protection, education and training
more info about the project
Fundación Alonso Quijano
From September 2024 to July 2025 (1 year)
Place: Malaga, Spain
Activities: Working with children in hospital, administration and organization in library
more info about the project
Six different hosting organizations
From Autumn 2024 to Summer 2025 (1 year)
Place: Voralberg, Austria
Activities: 9 ESC placements in different fields: democracy, anti-racism, gender sensitive youth work, health and wellbeing, food + cooking, urban gardening, street work, sports, art projects, outdoor activities, and lots more.
Hosting organisation | Link |
Stadtbibliothek Dornbirn | |
Offene Jugend- und Kulturarbeit Bregenz | |
Offene Jugendarbeit Hohenems | |
Offene Jugendarbeit Dornbirn | |
Sunnahof Tufers | |
"aha" youth information centre | |
Czech Republic
Liška – centre of leisure time + LUSK (Lidicka – Technical Department)
From 15/09/2024 to 14/09/2025 (1 year)
Place: Brno, Check Republic
Activities: 8 ESC placements in different fields, Circus; Art Department; Technical Department; Environmental Education; Forest Kindergarten
more info about the project
What is ESC?
European Solidarity Corps volunteering program provides long (up to 12 months) or short (from 2 weeks to 2 months) term volunteering across Europe in different fields and various projects for young people (from 18 to 30 years old.)
Szatyor Association is accredited for sending and supporting volunteers. Here, we listed those volunteer hosting projects where either we are a partner organization or we feel that is much connected to our on sustainability initiatives. Please have a look at the entire list of open positions here.
If you are interested, ready to apply of you have already a project, just you need a sending organization, please write us to

European Solidarity Corps (ESC) provide long term volunteering opportunities for young people between 18 and 30. Volunteer hosting organizations are mainly across Europe offering various projects in different themes. Here you find the link for open projects.
Here, we listed those projects where either we are a sending/supporting partner organization or they are connected our values of sustainability.
If you are interested in any of these project or you have found already your project, but looking for a sending/supporting organization, write us to this email address and we will contact you soon.