Volunteers of 2023 in Hideghegy

Project code: 2022-1-HU01-ESC51-VTJ-000065987

Natalia returns

Hi!, My name ́s Natalia, I'm 23 years old and I'm from Andalusia, Spain.While volunteering in Hungary, I was immersed in a whole new world that quickly became my home away from home.

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Muddy Hands II.

7 people from Spain, 2 from the Netherlands, 2 Hungarians, 1-1 from France, Germany, Italy and Romania – this colourful group arrived to Hideghegy in the middle of the summer, to volunteer and to learn in our eco-community.

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Lorena's notes

July started with a lot of young new people in the farm who where participating in a short term volunteering here. I met some Spanish people and made friends with a couple from Netherlands, who I’m willing to visit when I finish my project.

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Antonio's notes

This month start with so much cold, and we start to learn about how to cut the wood for the fire place in the room, also we learn how to do soil loosening to plant the different seeds in the garden.

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Lorena Fornas


Hi! I'm Lorena, I'm 22 years old and I'm from Spain.
I'm doing a volunteering in a farm near lake Balaton. Before coming I was looking for a project where I could experience self-sustainable life, in a community and away from the city to get to know what it's like to live in total contact with nature.
The farm turned out to be just what I was looking for and the people in the community are super great.
Also, being in a different country, with a different culture and an unknown language is really challenging and it pushes you to develop your self a lot. I would never change the decision of coming to Hideghegy :)

Antonio Pujol


Hello, my name is Antonio, I'm 18 years old and I'm from Spain, I chose this project because I wanted to get out of my city and disconnect for a few months and this was a great opportunity to do it, far from the city, with a lot of peace and quiet and above all, a lot of good people around me.
At first I was a little scared since it is a big step and you don't really know where you are lying, but after everything I have experienced, I can say that it has been the best decision I have made in my life.

Salvo Lupica



Hello! My name's Salvo, I'm 22 years old and I'm a volunteer in a farm in the north of the Balaton Lake. I choose to come here because I always want to push myself out of my comfort zone and this experience was the perfect one.

Indeed in this project I have been learning so much about myself and others, I'm feeling more connected and in harmony with myself.  I love being in contact with the nature, meditating, reading, listening music and so on. I'm just happy and grateful to be in this place with these people around me. 

Volunteers of 2022 in Hideghegy

Project code: 2021-2-HU01-ESC51-VTJ-000044695


My journey in Hideghegy was marked by quiet encounters, lots of humble learning opportunities from nature, animal and men.

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Hi! I'm Cili, 23 years old. I am currently studying food engineering at the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences. I enjoy dancing, playing tennis, listening to music, cooking, spending time with my loved ones, paying attention to others, myself or nature. After 8 months of working for a multinational company, it is good to try a sustainable life that works well with our environment. During the program I would like to gain as much knowledge as possible about permaculture farming, community building, and myself.

Szabó Cecília

Tompa Miklós


Hi! My name is Miklós, I'm 27 years old. I studied physical education and I was a part of the Hungarian wrestling team. Since I retired from competition I  have worked in various fields, and gained some experience in  building and farming as well. I learned about regenerative farming which I found very inspiring and I am determined to explore that path.

A very important part of this holistic approach is community and working with others which I would like to experience in depth trough out this program. I also would like to learn about natural building and managing  landscape in practice.