Natalia returns

Hi!, My name ́s Natalia, I'm 23 years old and I'm from Andalusia, Spain.
While volunteering in Hungary, I was immersed in a whole new world that quickly became my home away from home.

The experience was so enriching and captivating that I decided to return to the farm where I had spent my first volunteering.
My classmates and I slept in tents for a month and had to cope with the rain, the cold and the heat and especially the humidity of the Hungarian countryside, all of which were very hardening to our spirits.
Also the fact that we bathed with rainwater showers in the field and without a water
heater, made us more aware of the waste of water and products that we use to wash ourselves, since most of them are chemical and can affect the ecosystem and even ourselves.
From the moment I arrived, I was amazed by the incredible vegetation, insects, animals and life in the countryside. The rise of ecological awareness was in the air, and I was inspired by the commitment of the people around me to the environment, traditions, local products and permaculture. Every day was a lesson in permaculture and preservation of agricultural traditions, a reminder, in a way, of the times I spent in my childhood with my parents and grandparents in the countryside.
The bonds we formed, both with my fellow volunteers and with our host family, were deep and meaningful. Mutual help and the exchange of knowledge enriched everyone equally. I remember with special fondness the days when we helped nearby neighbors, such as when we joined together to mow a lavender field. It was a healing and moving experience, which strengthened our connection to the local community.
In addition to learning about life on the farm, I also discovered the rich Hungarian cuisine and music. During my stay, I learned numerous dishes that I later shared with my family and friends in Spain, bringing a little piece of Hungary home.
I also loved the baking workshops and mowing in the field with a scythe, it was amazing and the teachers were quite good! I loved making bread, as it had always been a challenge for me.

One of the most memorable moments was the "Gyüttment" event, where artists and local businesses came together to promote ecology and a return to sustainable living.
The event was held on a farm located in the middle of the forest, creating a magicaland vibrant environment that reflected the beauty of nature. We made friends with a boy who sold handcrafted pieces made from wood.
My volunteer experience in Hungary was unique and unrepeatable.

I was immersed in a world of traditions, learning and solidarity that left an indelible mark on my heart. To this day, I still remember with nostalgia those days at the farm and the wonderful people I met during my volunteering. I am especially grateful to the owners Regi and Bali and their daughter Csillag for all their patience, affection and love.
Not to mention the friendship I made with Lorena!
I have no words to thank the organization and the host family for the opportunity to be selected for this volunteer program.

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