On the 23rd of April, the Fülemüle bál took place. For those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s a fundraising gala with the aim of supporting the children from the local school in terms of art, culture and public education.
The day before the gala, Vale, Orxan and me, went to the local festival hall to help decorating and preparing the ball room. That included tasting the great homemade pogácsa, a Hungarian pastry, reorganizing the tables multiple times and folding hundred napkins for the tables.
For me it was a fun experience to work with the local teachers and mothers who are so involved in giving their students and children the best learning experience that they can have.
On Saturday, after going to Budapest, in order to find a suiting outfit for the evening, us girls: Mathilde, Alesia, Vale and me, started dressing up for the evening. We had a lot of fun and I think that we looked very fancy.
Afterwards, we went to the ball with Enrico and Orxan and spent a great evening together.
The program was very nice, some children from the school performed in front of the audience, there was a tombola and delicious food. The rest of the evening was accompanied by a band and at some point, we even started dancing with the local people which was one of the funniest moments, I think. Also, because there was this “game” where we were walking in one line through the room and then we had to take the hand from the person behind, through our legs. This was an act of balance and trust.
Personally, the evening was a bonding experience for me, not only with the great people from our project, but also with the local people which is very important for me.
Have a blessed day, Paula