First weeks in the village

I have been here for almost two months now and we’ve been doing a lot of different things. We have done gardening in various gardens, including our own community garden. We have worked on the communal land of the community, taking care of little baby trees. I really enjoy watching the plants grow and the gardens change so much. We have also worked with renovating and organizing, and decorating, in the community house, where we are also living. We have also helped at different kinds of events, doing cooking, cleaning and organizing.  

 I love being in nature and feel the best when I am outside, I love colleting herbs and edible plants from the wild. It’s been amazing to eat mulberries and cherries from trees around in the village this month. I believe that not only animals are living intelligent beings, but also plants, and maybe even rocks and places, and this is something I am interested in exploring and I want to spread this way of seeing the world so we can take care of each other better!

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