Upcycling in practice

Now that last week we sorted out the over-used bed-sheets, this week’s workshop started off with brainstorming! Deep diving into Pinterest’s endless suggestions, each of us picked an idea to carry out with our chosen sheets. The boys chose the classic linens, from which they sewed a totebag and a big laundry bag. We are also thinking about painting them in one of our workshops to make them even cooler!

It was a bit harder to find out what to do with the elastic fitted sheets, as it is a bit hard to sew these type of materials. In the end we decided to start a seemingly neverending process: cutting them up into strings and making „t-shirt yarn” out of them. With the final product we will be able to crochet, either a rag rug or a pouffe. We are also trying to save some of the elastic from the edges to use in future sewing projects, the rest will be used as stuffing material.

After we finished handwork for the day we watched a documentary called „The True Cost”. It is an investigative documentary about the fast fashion industry. It is a really eye-opening piece, showing us how the clothes that we buy from the most popular brands are made, what conditions the garment workers have to go through and even how the industry affects our planet. As they state in the beginning of the movie, clothes are our chosen second skin and yet we usually don’t care about what our clothes are made of and how. Me, as a woman find it a really important part of my life to express myself through my style in clothes. Although I still have an overwhelming amount of clothes, I can proudly say that in the past 10 years, since I started buying nearly all of my clothes by myself, 90% of what I own are thrifted. First it was a financial choice but since then I realised I can get better quality and more unique pieces from second hand stores. I like to think that by doing so I also don’t support all the horrible things that are shown in the documentary. I encourage everyone to watch it and to contemplate wether it is worth paying the price.

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